Installing PrestaShop on CyberPanel is a straightforward process thanks to the CyberPanel’s features. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you install PrestaShop on CyberPanel.
Steps to Install Prestashop on CyberPanel
1. Login to CyberPanel
- Open your web browser and go to https://<your-server-ip>:8090.
- Enter your admin username and password to log in.

2. Navigate to Application Installer
- In the left sidebar, click on “Websites”, then “List Websites”.
- Find the domain where you want to install PrestaShop and click on “Manage”.

3. Install WordPress
- In the website management section, click on “Application Installer”.
- Select “Prestashop”

4. Fill in Prestashop Details
i. Shop Name
Enter your shop’s name.
ii. First Name
Enter your first name.
iii. Last Name
Enter your last name.
iv. Email
Enter your email address.
v. Password
Set your password.
vi. Database Prefix
Specify the prefix for your database tables.

Once the above steps are followed then you have successfully installed Prestashop on CyberPanel.